This year for the gift giving holidays, I added a bunch of cycling stuff to my 'list' for my family. My parents still love to give gifts to myself and my sister (as well as our respective spouses) and I always have to give them a good list.
So what is new on the bikes?
For the Ritchey and the Labadie/Zeus, I got a set of Eggbeater SL's (set for each bike). I've mounted them and unfortunately, I'm sick, so I've not yet ridden them. Good news is they seem very nice compared to the old Onza's I've ridden for 10+ yrs. They aso took another 2 ozs off each bike.
Next up, for the Quattro Assi roadbike, I got a new saddle. The old Spesh.. Alias just was not cutting it. It was not comfortable and had stitching at seemingly the wrong places. I replaced it with a Toupe Team with ti rails. That saddle took over 5 ozs off the bike!!!! I think with some new tires, I should have the thing sub 15lbs. ;)
Finally, for all around, I got some new cold weather gear. For my legs and arms, I got leg/arm warmers that pull on and tuck under the sleeve/legs. They are very warm and should make a big difference while riding in the cold weather around here.....
I also snagged a new LeZyne multi tool for the seatbag. That thing is really high quality!!!
I was hoping to hit the Martin Luther Cyclocross here in Memphis, but we were on the interstate that whole day. Maybe next year......